Saturday, November 21, 2009

Twitter Levels The Playing Field!

Seems that anything newsworthy of note in pop culture, celebs flock to Twitter to clear up the rumors or throw in their two cents, while fans hang onto their every tweet as if there is nothing else going on outside of the Twitter epidrome.

Can you imagine if twitter existed say, some 40-50 years ago, when so many if the world's most important historical events were happening in the span of a few decade? What would JFK tweet if someone exposed the plot to assassinate him? If any of the military Generals had gotten the tweet from an unknown source about the imminent bombing in Pearl harbor, could the course of history be changed? What would have Havlichek tweeted in the locker room once he intercepted Hal Greer's inbound pass to clinch the Eastern Conference Championship on April 15, 1965. Could the first Astronauts to the moon have been able to tweet back to earth?

What would have the artists like Joplin, Hendrx, Havens, etc., that performed at Woodstock been tweeting to their fans? How more popular worldwide would "Float Like A Sting Like A Bee" Muhammad Ali have been if could just as easily tweet what he spoke at his press conferences? How effective could Twitter have been for Kobain, Shakur, or Smalls, had they each lived to see it's birth?
No one knows for sure, but I bet that the world would have seemed a lot smaller, and their impact much greater, had the aforementioned been able to just tweet their feelings, opinions, and thoughts to a multitude all at the touch of a button.

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