Sunday, October 3, 2010

COPY & PASTE Journalism Is Destroying TRUE Journalism

COPY & PASTE journalism is destroying "TRUE" journalism reporting!

It has been awhile since I posted something on my blog, but I thought this was something that needed to be addressed!

There are numerous websites, blogs, podcasts, etc that are plagiarizing the national news and masquerading as valid news sources. I know of a few in particular that will copy & paste, run a story, then have to rebut the story, because of false information in the story itself, because they didn't take the time to do their own investigative reporting and fact check before posting. It is one thing to share a hyperlink to a story, but to take a story and copy it verbatim as if it is your own, and fooling your readers into believing it's your story is another. Try it, just GOOGLE a national news story and see the numerous sites that have it posted word for word on their site as their own story!

I have a few friends that are "TRUE" journalists that do the hard work of investigative reporting to get a story from their perspective, and they get hardly any recognition because of all the trash that is out there! I put out the information that really matters to an artist's career, and I can count one one hand how many artists ever take advantage of this information. But behold, let a half naked female posing as a blogger place a comment like "I need some ________in my life, and watch the roaches come out from between the walls!!

I write my own stories and hyperlink those pertinent stories that I think will provide information to folks!

I saw this on a news story recently: "HYPER SPEED journalism; you know, all the blogs and posts that pop up on websites every six seconds or so, is it out of control?? Is it utterly ephemeral?? Are people just churning out copy to fill space? Or is it improvement over the molasses pace of the past"?? In my opinion, only time will tell, but as a fellow journalist, write the stories that come from your perspective, not someone else's.

For true reporting, go to There are a number of true journalists out there, and as I stated above, a few I know personally. One of the best journalists in the game, Lisa Ford Blog: is celebrating her 1 year anniversary! Congrats sis!

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